My most recent work is an exploration of the perception that as individuals we are tiny and inconsequential particles; however, our actions have an enormous effect on our surroundings, and therefore on the whole universe. My work has evolved over time based on my life experiences as a woman and mother. My current series of paintings examines the invisible yet indelible connection between human actions and the cosmos. I depict powerful and resilient women because many of us walk though life feeling helpless but every single action, no matter how small, we take has a resonant effect that over time will create a greater transformation. And it is our responsibility to make sure that the resulting change is for the good of everyone.I am originally from Mexico. I studied painting, photography and sculpture in recognized institutions such as El Instituto Politecnico Nacional and El Centro de la Imagen. I am currently based in Los Angeles where I received my certificate in Design Communications Arts at the UCLA Extension, a master’s degree in entrepreneurship from California Lutheran University, and studied under Lia Halloran. My work has been shown in San Francisco, Los Angeles and Mexico.
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