Heather Lynn is an abstract mixed medium painter located in Washington, DC. She specializes in large scale residential, commercial and commission work. Heather’s work is often dense with her self created texture mediums and constructed with vibrant color, movement and depth.

Heather has experienced great success as a professional artist with representation in Washington DC, New York City, Miami and Paris. She loves competing in juried exhibitions and has exhibited across America and Europe. She loves working with art consultants, interior designers and collectors to find the right piece in her inventory or in a commission for a client.

Her recent exhibits have included the carousel of Louvre in Paris, Superfine DC, Miami Art Basel Events of Red Dot Miami and Spectrum Miami, the 1St Dibs Gallery in NYC, the NYartGallery in NYC. In 2020 Heather will be exhibiting in Paris, Cannes, Venice, Switzerland, and in numerous US cities.

She invites you to view her portfolio and contact her further to explore her current inventory or commissioned opportunities.
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