My name is Jennifer Lee, but in my art, I am known as Jfer Koi. I reside in Sarasota, Florida; the Land of educated artists, as I am not; I am self-taught, but my artistic desires go way back to my youth. I like to consider my "outlet" as R.A.W. Art, which I call: Real Art Within. I steer myself mostly towards collage with the use of animals and nature. I use unlimited ephemera and objects to create my work and my medium is acrylic. I put to use: tiles, stones, putty, wire and various graphic art to create my "stories". Color and contrast are my foundation to creation, but also the spirit of life and the universe always inspires me.
In childhood, I was a loner and I dabbled in art. My main attraction, even then, were animals. In later years, my art suffered, because I lacked spirit. It took many years (and getting off anti-depressants) to help my passion grow. I consider myself a copyist, but I am also a creationist. I like to manipulate different materials on various types of canvas and experiment in various techniques. Like any artist, we all want to be the first in creating a certain style, but I come to a realization, everything (well, almost everything) in art has been tried at. We all are merely picking up where others left off.
As I matured, I endured a loss of another that sent me to another level. A death that connected me to the universe. I started becoming more experimental with tactics when it came to art. Later on, I dabbled in an emotionally abusive relationship built of narcissism and greed, but I kept evolving. I had a series of art that depicted demented women. Women bound in emotional chaos, although I still have many pieces of artwork, I choose to keep that phase in my past.
As I keep evolving, I pull myself away from art to help me decompress. I play in the outdoors or practice my drumming techniques. But, in time, I'm back creating, and more than one piece. I can sit on unfinished projects for years and return to let it morph into something I never thought it would become.
As a naive artist, I have no clue where I will end up. It is something that I enjoy doing and I hope to provoke different feelings and memories for others.
Thank you for taking the time to read this and to view my most recent work.

Thank you,
Jfer Koi
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