I’m a self taught artist with many years of drawing and painting in oils. I received my degree in Advertising & Graphic Design, and have worked 26 years as a Art Director and currently Web Designer. My passion for fine art and painting has been my personal goal. Art is a never ending process of learning and pushing forward. I enjoy thinking of ideas and then seeing how they form in a painting. One of the things I love so much about art is the continued learning process. There isn’t an end point – just keep moving forward! Plus with my love of nature this gives me the ability to show my dedication and respect for nature thru art.

I observe paintings of many artists and try to see how they accomplished the beauty of their works. Thru glazing, lighting, and colors – there is much to learn and experiment with. Plus with my experience as a Art Director in both print and web, this has given me great exposure to many forms of art.
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