Born in London, England. Lived abroad since 1986; moving to Antigua in the West Indies, then to Virginia and recently, Florida. Met her American husband in the Islands and relocated to the States in 1996. Became a US citizen in 2010.

Interest in modern fractal geometry led to using these fascinating images as a starting point for textile work. This artwork ranges from tiny pieces of embroidered silk; to large hand stitched fabric wallhangings.

Anamorphic perspective is another area of exploration. Creating morphed textile pieces which are rendered correctly when viewed at an angle, or in a curved mirror.

Exhibits nationally and internationally. Five pieces were selected for 'The Marriage of Art, Science and Philosophy' exhibition at the American Visionary Art Museum in Baltimore, Maryland.

Now enjoying creating art jewelry to complement her art quilts.

Filmed by HGTV for 'Simply Quilts', and by Adelphia for 'Artscape'; she is no longer owed her fifteen minutes of fame.
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