Currently I am working on a series of paintings based on my experience as an immigrant. They’re intended to convey a sense of reflection and loneliness. Bits and pieces of my life are collages into surfaces of drawings and notes to me - they personalize the image and give the viewer a way into my world.

I work on wood panels, stretched canvas and paper so that I can plaster, scrape, sand, erase, remark and repaint into the surface. Texture in my work represents the passage of time and its mark.

While working, I discover meaning and truth, a personal exploration of my surroundings and myself. The drawing of the house represents my family, my childhood in Peru, my high school days in Argentina and the many years in Venezuela where I attended Architecture School before moving to The United States fifteen years ago. The boat is my inner self, representing the person who left everything behind to live the adventure of conquering an unknown world that has now become my country and home.
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