Kay Darling

Kay Vass Darling has been playing with color and pattern since the last century. She studied painting at Greensboro College, receiving a Bachelor of Fine Arts in Studio Art. She also has a Master’s in Theological Studies in Religion and the Arts from Wesley Theological Seminary and a Master’s of Information Science from The University of Tennessee.
Most recently her art has been included in the 2021-22 Made in VA exhibit at the Virginia Museum of Contemporary Art, the 8th Annual South Atlantic Exhibition at the Montpelier Center for the Arts where her entry won an Honorable Mention, the "Opening Up" exhibit at Rawls Museum Arts, and the Winter 21 show at the Green Hill Center for Art in Greensboro, NC. She has had solo shows at the Richmond Public Main Library, Centre Gallery East, ArtWorks, The Gallery at Convergence in Alexandria, and the Square Halo Gallery in Lancaster, PA
She has artworks in the collection of VCU Healthcare, Greensboro College, The Lascahobas Dental Clinic in Haiti, and in many private collections.

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