Andrew Markus Bell

In the process of an intensive, in-depth personal search for my unique gift to contribute to society during my lifetime, I found Art. In temperment, personality and persona, talent and inclination, I am a painter through and through.

From all my endeavors, including time as an NYC political campaign operative and United Nations international work service project manager, I apply a breadth of skill and life experience to making dynamically balanced, compositionally sound, inimitable works on canvas with mixed media viewable from all four directions.

A proud college drop-out, I left my hometown at age 21 and began my sui generis life anew in Manhattan. To date those have been the best decisions made in my early adulthood. My work speaks of the tumult, bliss, failed endeavors, hard-knocks, self-discovery and sense of purpose I have since coming to know myself more each day.

That being so, I want the viewer to feel the range of emotions and thoughts I experience while making each piece. Like my life - like each day - there is liberation, doubt, abandon, hesitation, starting, stopping, love, despair, rejection and acceptance in each piece. I mix media to represent my various thoughts and emotions and the harmony possible when they are proportionately synthesized into one space.

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