Star Trauth

I was born to nomadic hippies in the seventies. With them, I traveled through 28 states, commune to commune. During this time, I experienced many rich geographic cultures, colorful personalities and many different ways of life. I set off on my own at a relatively early age and immersed myself in the counterculture of my own generation. I found a home amid the punk rock movement and tumultuous political currents of the times. A solo trip to New York City and London introduced me to the amazing works of street artists and street culture. The tribal aspect of Eskimo, Mexican, African, and Native American culture that I experienced as a child, the counterculture of New York and London that I encountered, and the edginess of the eighties inform my work today.

My love for the tactile nature of fiber began at a very early age, sitting at my Great Grandmother’s knitting basket and running my fingers through fibers, something I still think about while manipulating my own fiber works today. I graduated with a concentration in fine art and worked for many years as an interior designer. This further nourished my love of the limitless color and texture of textiles. As an adult, I have become very influenced by Japanese and Scandinavian craft culture. My eye is always drawn to something unique. As such, I am drawn to the creation of something that causes the person to pause their eye and be drawn to touch, as I did at my Great Grandmother’s knitting basket.

I live in Miami, a place that breathes life into me. The mix of cultures and unique personalities invigorate me. Miami's unquenchable thirst for all things colorful, beautiful, and creative inspires me at every turn. I am blessed to share this amazing life with my loving and supportive husband of nineteen years and our creative and joyful daughter, who is often my muse.

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